Monday, September 30, 2019

Misters October 2019

MLB's regular season has ended, but my work here goes on. Let's take a look and see which of my MLBoyfriends made it to the postseason this year.

The Milwaukee Brewers

Yelich actually won't be playing in the postseason, but, despite his injury,
he just won the NL Batting Title. He definitely deserves credit for helping
the Brewers win a wild card spot.

The Washington Nationals

The St. Louis Cardinals

The Houston Astros

The Los Angeles Dodgers

The New York Yankees

And finally, it's not surprising that my hometown team has the most MLBoyfriends of the year. Here they are....

The Minnesota Twins

Due to injury, Buxton will not be playing in the postseason;
however, he's such a favorite of mine, I still had to include him.

If you haven't seen this amazing catch Rosario made last week,
go check it out here.

Although, I haven't chose Brian Dozier as my MLBoyfriend this year (it's been two years since he won the title), I couldn't pass up the chance to give him a shout out this week. I kind of hate the pre‐planned locker room celebrations. They are just so generic. However, when the Nationals clinched a wild card spot, Brian Dozier found a way to kick things up several notches, and I really appreciate it.

Check out the video of his celebration--complete with twerking--in this tweet:

Congratulations to all my MLBoyfriends going into the postseason! I look forward to seeing you all on the field in the next month.

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