Monday, May 20, 2019

Week 8: Byron Buxton

There's no doubt that the Minnesota Twins have had a great start to the season. They currently have the second best record in the MLB and are on top of the AL Central. It's early days, but it looks like the Twins might be real contenders if their players keep up this pace. The team's MVP of last week was also it's most improved hitter, Byron Buxton.

Buxton, had six runs, three home runs, a .269 average, and 0.999 OPS. Most mpressively, he had eleven RBIs--the most of all MLB players last week.

Of course, a grand slam always helps build the RBI count, and he hit the second of his career on May 18th.

On thing that batting stats don't show is that Buxton continues to be an incredibly valuable defensive player. On May 14th, he made this amazing throw to the plate that clinched the Twins win over the Angels.

After four years of ups and downs, it seems that the Byron Buxton that Twins fans have been waiting for has finally arrived to play ball.

I would like to say that I was in on the ground floor of the Buxton fan club. He has been a long-time favorite here at MLBoyfriend. I also drafted him to my fantasy team, and now, many owners across the country are scrambling to pick him up.

Congratulations, Byron Buxton! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week. Go ahead and celebrate with your teammates in your traditional style.

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