Monday, April 8, 2019

Week 2: Anthony Rendon

Anthony Rendon is one of those consistently very good players who has often been in the running for the MLBoyfriend title but always got edged out by another player. It's time he finally got his due.

Rendon started the week strong hitting his first home run of 2019 on Tuesday, April 2. He hit his fourth home run of the season in The Nationals' last game of the week on Sunday, April 7. In addition to the 4 homers last week, he put up some great stats with a .474 average, 1.828 OPS, 10 runs and 7 RBIs.

The chants "Lock him up!" will grow louder at Nationals Park if Rendon keeps playing like that. He becomes a free agent at the end of the season, and the Washington fans really want to lock him into a contract extension--even if it will cost dearly.

Speaking of Washington DC, it's great to see a proud Mexican American getting so much love in the nation's capital.

Congratulations, Anthony Rendon! You are my MLBoyfriend of the Week. Your impressive work at the plate mostly won you the title, but I have to admit that it was your fantastic smile that put you over the top.

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