Monday, May 13, 2019

Week 7: Kiké Hernández

I usually start off these posts with some stats that help make the case for the week's MLBoyfriend selection. However, this week's winner, Kiké Hernández, put up some pretty mediocre numbers this week. He had a measly .130 batting average and an equally unimpressive .483 OPS with just one run and three RBIs. He did hit one home run in his only good game of the week.

However, it really doesn't matter what his numbers were. Hernández clinched the MLBoyfriend title on Monday, May 6, when he posted this on his excellent Instagram account @kikehndez:

Needless to say, the gays definitely noticed and heartily approved. His "bend and snap" even got the ultimate seal of approval from Elle Woods herself.

Kiké (a.k.a. Enrique) Hernández is not stranger to showing off his body for cameras. These two stories offer further proof of this wonderful phenomenon:
Trust me, you want to see the videos in both those links. FWIW, he also serves some very good face.

I don't just love Kiké for his looks and body. As his comment on his Instagram post shows, he also has an excellent sense of humor. For more of that, check out this excellent interview.

Congratulations, Kiké Hernández! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week. By the way, thanks for the invitation you sent the world to take a good look at what your own hashtag rightfully calls #PuertoRicosAss.

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