Monday, September 2, 2019

Week 23: Kolten Wong

Kolten Wong in literally my favorite baseball photo this week.
Kolten Wong is know for his excellent defense.

Check out this play he made earlier today.

Last week, Wong also put up some really big numbers on offense. He went 11 for 16 at the plate with 3 runs, 6 RBIs, a .688 batting average, and 2.049 OPS. He had 2 stolen bases to boot.

Wong hit "only" one home run last week which was his tenth of the season. This year, when everyone his hitting dingers left and right, it's easy to overlook a player like Wong who is having a very good year at the plate but isn't hitting tons of homers.

We here at MLBoyfriend pride ourselves on recognizing players that other might overlook. Especially when they look like Kolten Wong.

Sure, it's great to post action shots like this:

Kolten Wong's sock game is on point.
But it's the icing on the cake to be able to post pics like this:

Congratulations, Kolten Wong! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week. 

Oops, I think they are supposed to dump the Gatorade on you rather than you dowsing Harrison Bader.

That's more like it.

PS to Justin Verlander: You probably thought pitching your third career no-hitter yesterday would have secured the MLBoyfriend title for you. You know I love you, like, a lot, but I calls 'em like I sees 'em. Of course, I will take this opportunity to post a pic of you from that game just because I want to.

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