Monday, April 1, 2019

Week 1: Joc Pederson


MLBoyfriend is back for the 2019 season--and I'm going to to start right where I left off. My first pick for this year is one of my 2018 World Series MLBoyfriends: Joc Pederson.

Pederson started the season with a bang. He hit two home runs and a double on opening day.

Then, two days later, Pederson went 3-for-3 including a lead-off home run.

Pederson ended the first week with great stats. He had 8 runs, 3 home runs, 5 RBIs a .467 batting average,  and 1.752 OPS. The number of runs, home runs and RBIs is especially impressive given that it was a short week, so those were racked up in just four games.

Numbers like those are usually enough to become my MLBoyfriend for the week, but I found out something about Joc Pederson while doing my extensive research that really put him over the top. Joc has the best relationship with his older brother Champ.

Congratulations, Joc Pederson! You are my first MLBoyfriend of 2019! If you and the Dodgers stay this hot, you could definitely be in contention for another win before the season is over.

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