Monday, June 24, 2019

Week 13: Masahiro Tanaka

Masahiro Tanaka came out of the gate strong last week. On Monday, June 17, he pitched a complete game and shut out the Tampa Bay Rays. The Yankee pitcher became the front runner to become my MLBoyfriend.

Tanaka's stats for that game are obviously really good: In 9.0 innings pitched he gave up two hits and one base on balls while striking out ten for a 0.88 WHIP. Of course, since it was a shut out, he had a 0.00 ERA and was given both the win and a quality start.

So, Tanaka pretty much had the MLBoyfriend title in the bag, Then, on Saturday, June 22, he threw another quality start.
In 6.0 innings, he gave up eight hits and one base on balls for a 1.50 WHIP. There were two earned runs scored against him for a 3.00 ERA.

Mashiro Tanaka ended the week with some very good stats: 15.0 innings pitched, 10 hits, 2 earned runs, 2 walks, 11 strike outs, a 1.20 ERA, 0.80 WHIP, two quality starts and one win. Any pitcher would be very happy with a week like that.

Tanaka had two other thing going for him. First, there's the whole handsome face situation he has going on.

Second, Tanaka plays for the New York Yankees. It's kind of a shock that it's been over a year since I named a Yankee my MLBoyfriend. It's no secret that I'm a life-long Yankees fan, so the boys in Pinstripes have a bit of an advantage on this blog. Speaking of the Yankees Pinstripes, all players look better in them--even if they start out looking very good already like Masahiro.

Congratulations, Masahiro Tanaka! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week. I'm sure there are many cheers in the Bronx for you--but not Bronx cheers, real cheers.

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