Monday, May 30, 2022

Gabe Kapler

Gabe Kapler is clearly this week's MLBoyfriend. The San Francisco Giants manager earned the title not for traditional baseball success but for showing true leadership. On Friday, May 27th, Kapler retweeted a PSA by the Anti-Defamation League in which he's featured.

That same day, Kapler announced that he would not be standing for the National Anthem in the wake of the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas:

When I was the same age as the children in Uvalde, my father taught me to stand for the pledge of allegiance when I believed my country was representing its people well or to protest and stay seated when it wasn’t. I don’t believe it is representing us well right now.

Please click here to read the whole post. It is thoughtful and heartfelt. 

Kapler will be standing for the National Anthem today in honor of Memorial Day. He has posted a statement explaining why he is making an exception to his ongoing protest.

Today, I’ll be standing for the anthem. While I believe strongly in the right to protest and the importance of doing so, I also believe strongly in honoring and mourning our country’s service men and women who fought and died for that right. Those who serve in our military, and especially those who have paid the ultimate price for our rights and freedoms, deserve that acknowledgment and respect, and I am honored to stand on the line today to show mine.

Congratulations, Gabe Kapler! You are the MLBoyfriend of the week. Thank you for your being the kind of leader baseball and the country need right now.

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