Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Week 18: Asher Wojciechowski


Sure, last week's MLBoyfriend had a long, difficult last name. However, most baseball fans know how to pronounce Yaztrzemski even if there's not a chance in Hell that they could spell it. I decided to really up the ante this week with Asher Wojciechowski. Actually, I chose him because he pitched to great games for the Baltimore Orioles last week.

On Sunday, July 21, Wojciechowski pitched 7.1 innings against the formidable Boston Red Sox. He struck out 10 batters but gave up just 1 hit, 2 walks, and 0 earned runs. He was scored with both the win and a quality start. Impressively, he had a no–hitter into the seventh inning.

Wojciechowski pitched another gem seven days later on Friday, July 26.  He went 7 full innings against the Los Angeles Angels. In that game, he gave up 3 hits, one walk and just 2 earned runs while striking out 6. He had his second quality start and win for the week.

So, in one week, Wojciechowski pitched 14.1 innings, and had a very low 1.26 ERA and 0.49 WHIP. 

Those two wins were almost enough for Asher Wojciechowski to win the MLBoyfriend title. However, I have to say, his name really did put him over the top for a couple of reasons.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Week 17: Mike Yastrzemski

When I saw the news that rookie Mike Yaztrzemski hit his first walk-off home run in the majors yesterday, I thought, "How cool that Carl Yaztrzemski has a son playing baseball." 

It took a while to sink in that a player that I can easily remember playing—I was able to drive when he retired—has a grandson playing for the San Francisco Giants. 

Yaz was famously old for a baseball player (a whopping 44!) when he retired, but still...

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Special All-Star Break Edition

Welcome to the first All-Star MLBoyfriend Tournament.

This year, I'll be picking my  All-Star MLBoyfriend from the Home Run Derby participants. There are three reasons for this. First, I saw a lot more of the Home Run Derby than I did the actual All-Star game, so I can make a better informed choice. Second, there's a more manageable pool to select from. Finally, MLB nicely created this very handy bracket for me to use.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Week 15: Andrew Heaney

Andrew Heaney showed what he's made of with just one pitch last week. This isn't about athletic ability although he certainly has plenty of that. What Heaney displayed was pure heart.

Heaney's teammate, fellow pitcher and friend, Tyler Skaggs died on Monday, July 1st. Heaney pitched for the first time after that on Saturday, July 6th. His first pitch was a slow curveball, Skaggs's signature pitch.

Prior to the pitch, Heaney had written "45", the number Skaggs wore, on the mound.

Monday, July 1, 2019

Week 14: Joey Votto

HAPPY CANADA DAY! I'm so happy my favorite Canadian player, Joey Votto, is on a hot streak, so I can name him my MLBoyfriend. Last week, Votto had four runs, one home run, and two RBIs. He had a .368 average and .955 OPS. He even had a stolen base--his second of the season.

Votto's biggest night of the week came on Friday, June 28. He had four hits in the Reds' victory over the Cubs--and one of those hits was the 1,800th of his career.

Best of all, Joey Votto did all this while continuing to be what the kids today call a "zaddy".