Monday, May 6, 2019

Week 6: Adalberto Mondesi

Good players on bad teams don't get enough love. Adalberto Mondesi is a very good player on a pretty bad team. Despite Mondesi's decent numbers, Kansas City currently had the second worst record in baseball. Headlines like this tell the story: "Mondesi heroics unable to overcome awful bullpen as Royals lose 5-4 in extras".

Mondesi put up some good stats last week batting .286 with a .998 OPS six runs, one home run, eight RBIs and three stolen bases. Speaking of stolen bases, Mondesi has the second most so far this season with 10--just one fewer than the leader, Tim Anderson of the Chicago White Sox. I know the value of stolen is questionable, but they sure are one of the most fun  parts of baseball.

Oh, and Mondesi also has this going for him...

Congratulations, Adalberto Mondesi! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week. 

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