Monday, June 3, 2024

Miguel Andújar

Oakland A's players and fans have been having a pretty rough year. (Long story, short: the Athletics' ownership sucks.) I like to throw them some love whenever possible. That said, Miguel Andújar made it easy for me to pick an Oakland player this week.

Andújar had a .400 batting average and 1.105 OPS last week. He had six runs, 2 doubles, 2 home runs and a whopping 10 RBI. He really did his numbers for the week a big favor on Saturday, June 1st, when he went 4-for-5 at the plate with 1 home run, 4 RBI, and 3 runs scored.

As if the numbers weren't enough, Andújar has a couple other things going for him in my book:

  1.  The Face 

  2. Bubblegum

Congratulations, Miguel Andújar! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week.

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