Monday, June 10, 2024

Heliot Ramos

If you just joined the MLBoyfriend community last week, and then you saw this week's winner, you might think that I have a type. I don't really. However... I can't say that Heliot Ramos is not my type. After all, he does look very good running the bases...

...And Ramos spent a lot of time running the bases last week. He had 9 hits in 21 at bats for an amazing .429 batting average with an even more amazing 1.476 OPS. He had 2 doubles, 3 home runs, 4 runs and 7 RBI.

Now that voting for the All-Star Game has begun, there is a strong case for Ramos making the National League team.

Congratulations, Heliot Ramos! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week.

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