Monday, June 5, 2023

Liam Hendriks

This was the easiest pick for MLBoyfriend ever. As soon as it was announced that Liam Hendriks was returning to the mound for the Chicago White Sox, he clinched the title. In January, Hendriks announced he had been diagnosed with stage four non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and was starting chemo therapy immediately. On April 20, he announced he had completed his treatments and was declared cancer-free. Amazingly, he was back on the active roster on May 29. 

The Chicago Tribune has a very nice article about Hendriks "journey from cancer diagnosis to his Chicago White Sox return". Also, the White Sox organization posted this tribute to Hendriks. (Keep an eye out for a shot of Liam raising the Pride Flag outside the White Sox ballpark for their Pride Night. I'm guessing either he or his wife Kristi asked for this to be included as they are big allies of the LGBTQIA+ community as I've discussed in my previous MLBoyfriend posts about him.)

Hendriks was called out of the bullpen that very first night.

Needless to say, the crowd gave him a standing ovation as he ran out to the mound. Then, to top it off, his first pitch was a sizzling strike.

Hendriks ended the week strong. On Sunday, June 4, he got his first win of the season. In a twist so perfect you couldn't make it up, June 4th is National Cancer Survivors Day.

Congratulations, Liam Hendriks! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week. It is truly wonderful to see you back where you belong, the pitcher's mound.

PS: I couldn't resist adding this adorable post Liam made shortly after he was declared cancer free.

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