Friday, October 20, 2017

National League Pennant Winner: Justin Turner

I waited until the NLCS was over to make it official, but Justin Turner became the clear front runner to be my MLBoyfriend with his walk off homer in game two. Perhaps the only thing Snoop Dogg and I have in common is that we both took notice of Turner after that dinger. (You shouldn't need this warning, but just in case... Snoop's video is VERY NSFW.)

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I'm very fond of the Cubs, but I was rooting for the Dodgers to go the World Series. Looking back, it's kind of shocking that Justin Turner is my first Dodger MLBoyfriend given what a great season they've had.

Today, Justin Turner was named the NLCS MVP, but he's sharing that honor with Chris Taylor.

Chris Taylor certainly deserves the MVP award and his smile is MLBoyfriend worthy. However, I opted not to do a shared MLBoyfriend title this week. If I'm being totally honest, it was Justin Turner's hair and beard that gave him the edge on winning the title alone.

Congratulations, Justin Turner! You are my National League Pennant MLBoyfriend. Unfortunately, I'm an American League fan, so I will cheering for you to lose the World Series. Don't worry about that now though. Let's just enjoy the time we have together...

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