Monday, September 19, 2016

Week 24: Adam Jones

Adam Jones is having a good year with 27 home runs and a respectable .277 batting average. The Baltimore Orioles are in a tight race for a postseason spot, and Jones' performance is an important if under-appreciated asset to the team. While his batting stats were not the greatest last week, Jones distinguished himself off the field. On Tuesday, September 13th, USA Today published an interview with Jones in which he discussed Colin Kaepernick's National Anthem protests which had begun to spread throughout the NFL. Of Kaepernick, he said:
"He believes in what he believes in, and as a man of faith, as an American who has rights, who am I to say he’s wrong? Kaepernick is not disrespecting the military. He’s not disrespecting people who they’re fighting. What he’s doing is showing that he doesn’t like the social injustice that the flag represents."
Jones then explained that the protests are unlikely to spread to MLB because, "Baseball is a white man's game."

The whole USA Today interview is worth your time, so GO READ THE WHOLE THING.

Jones followed up that interview with an ESPN interview.
UPDATE: Unfortunately the original ESPN interview is no longer available to be posted. You can see it here. In it's place, I have put this interview with Jones after a racist attack he faced at an away game after his USA Today interview.

With those two interviews, Adam Jones clinched the title of my MLBoyfriend of the week.

It doesn't hurt that Jones has been known to make some spectacular catches in the outfield.

Or that he has a pretty adorable bubble gum habit.

This is where I usually congratulate my MLBoyfriend of the week, but this week I'm going to go a different route and instead of saying "Congratulations", and say "THANK YOU!" to Adam Jones. By speaking out, he earned my respect and appreciation.

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