Monday, October 24, 2022

Rhys Hoskins

Last week, I talked about how much fun watching Bryce Harper in the playoffs has been. Turns out, his teammate, Rhys Hoskins is also a blast.

Harper and Hoskins have both been playing very well in the postseason and were key to the Phllies winning the National League Pennant. At times, Hoskins may have gotten a little cocky.

However, he has every right to celebrate when he's hitting clutch home runs like these two:

And this one:

So, go ahead and flip or slam your bat, Rhys. You earned it.

Congratulations, Rhys Hoskins! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week. You probably would have won the title anyway, but it doesn't hurt that your #17, and 17 is my favorite prime number.

PS: Thanks to my friend and hardcore Phillies fan Josh for nominating Rhys Hoskins. I'm very happy for him that his boys are going to the World Series.

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