Monday, July 11, 2022

Zack Wheeler

Zack Wheeler pitched two great and, statistically speaking, nearly identical games last week.

On Sunday, July 3, Wheeler went 7.0 innings against the Cardinals. He gave up 4 hits, walked one batter and had no earned runs scored against him. He ended with both a quality start and a win.

On Friday, July 8, Wheeler went 7.0 innings against the Cardinals. He gave up 5 hits, walked one batter and had no earned runs scored against him. He ended with both a quality start and a win. That's right, I was able to copy and paste the stats from the last game and just change the date and number of hits. Everything else--even the opposing team--was the same.

Wheeler ended the two games with a 0.00 ERA and 0.79 WHIP. The Philadelphia Inquirer is obviously biased towards the Phillies, but with stats like that, it's fair of them to ask "Zack Wheeler: Best Starter in Baseball?"

Congratulations, Zack Wheeler. You and all the Phillies fans who are upset about your All-Star Game snub can take comfort that someone recognized your talents this week.

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