Monday, July 18, 2022

Matt Carpenter

I discovered this week's MLBoyfriend when I was looking for a new second baseman for my fantasy team. Matt Carpenter came highly recommended by the experts and, fortunately, was available. So, he now plays for the New York Yankees and the Lake Washington Gillygoofangs. 

Carpenter's stat last week are certainly MLBoyfriend worthy. He had 7 runs, 4 home runs, 11 RBI's, a .500 batting average and 2.060 OPS. However, if I'm being honest, the real reason I picked him is the mustache.

Carpenter's mustache is a thing of beauty. (FWIW, the hair is pretty good too.) The term "porn 'stache" is kind of played out, but when you run the bases looking like this...

..."porn 'stache" is apt.

Carpenter has a history of great facial hair. His beard when he played for the Cardinals was pretty epic.

However, this is a case of less is more. By getting rid of the beard, Carpenter has made the moustache a star. It ranks amongst the best facial hair baseball in my humble opinion--and we're not just talking about current players but in the whole history of Major League Baseball.

Congratulations, Matt Carpenter! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week.
You can thank the mustache, man.

UPDATE: After I posted this, MLB named Matt Carpenter the AL Player of the Week. Shockingly, there was no mention of his mustache in the announcement.

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