Monday, June 18, 2018

Week 12: Mike Trout

I would like to officially welcome Mike Trout back to MLBoyfriend after far too long an absence. Somewhat shockingly, the only time he has won the title was September 6, 2016. This Angel doesn't need to wait in the wings any longer--because he crushed it last week.

Two of Trout's stats from last week are almost unbelievable: he had a batting average of .684 average and a 2.118 OPS. He also had eight runs, four home runs and seven RBIs. Oh yeah, his fielding wasn't too shabby either.

Here's a Mike Trout highlight reel from one game, the Angels' June 12th game against the Mariners. Many players would be happy to have this be their highlights from a full week of play.

It's no surprise that Trout is had a great week last week. He is having a amazing season so far. This is also no surprise because he has had one of  the most amazing careers in MLB history. Just 26 years old, Trout has been a star player for will player for seven years. and is already on track to break a ton of records. Check out this excellent article/video on "How Mike Trout stacks up to MLB greatests as he closes in on 1,000 games."

In addition to being one of the most talented baseball players, Mike Trout is one of most adorable ones.

I'm also very happy that sports photographers have the good sense to keep taking pictures like this.

Congratulations, Mike Trout! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week. No one has ever been more deserving of the title.

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