Monday, April 16, 2018

Week 3: Joe Mauer

So this happened on Thursday....

...and with his 2000th hit, Joe Mauer won the title of my MLBoyfriend of the week.

Joe Mauer is the 285th player in Major League Baseball history to join the 2000 Hits Club and only the third to reach that mark while playing for Minnesota Twins.

Mauer's timing could not have been better. The Twins next three scheduled home games on Friday, Saturday and Sunday were postponed due to the freak spring blizzard that dumped over a foot of snow on Target Field. If he hadn't hit his 2000th hit on Thursday, he would have certainly hit it on the road instead of in his hometown (well, St. Paul is his hometown--so I guess you'd call the Twin Cities his hometowns).

Despite the shortened week, Mauer put up some very good numbers. With just 12 at bats, he had six hits, two runs and five RBIs with an OPS of 1.250 for the week. Mauer is, in fact, having a good season so far with a .412 batting average and a 1.075 OPS.

Congratulations on your 2000th hit, Joe Mauer, and more importantly on being named my MLBoyfriend of the week. You can tip your hat to me for the honor the next time I'm at Target Field.

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