Monday, April 9, 2018

Week 2: Shohei Ohtani

I usually like to start posts with an action shot of my new MLBoyfriend. However, this week, I couldn't choose between showing Shohei Ohtani batting or pitching because he was amazing at both last week.

Ohtani had a .462 batting average and 1.654 OPS last week with four runs, seven RBIs and 3 home runs.

Then, on Sunday, Ohtani was nearly perfect on the mound for seven innings--striking out twelve batter, walking just one, and giving up merely one hit earning a quality start and a win.

Shohei Ohtani was the clear choice for American League Player of the Week.

If there are any statistics nerds reading this (though I doubt there are), Ohtani had a very rare one-WAR week last week. Appropriately enough, 0.5 of that came from batting and 0.5 from pitching.

Congratulations, Shohei Ohtani! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week--and I have a feeling this won't be the only time you win that coveted title.

Finally, just because it's adorable, here's a great picture of fellow Angel Mike Trout chauffeuring Shohei Ohtani in a golf cart during spring training.

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