Monday, July 10, 2017

Week 14: George Springer

I guess I can't pretend like the Houston Astros aren't really, really good forever--as much as I'd like to. They are going into the All-Star break with 60 wins and are a whopping 16.5 games ahead in the American League West. A team doing that well clearly has a lot of great players on it--including one of my MLBoyfriends from 2016, José Altuve. George Springer is possibly the best Astro of all this season.

If George Springer has been red hot this season, last week, he was on fire. He had a .577 batting average and a 1.625 OPS with three home runs, twelve runs, nine RBIs and two stolen bases (his only two of the season).

As if being arguably the best player on arguably the best team in baseball wasn't enough enough to become my MLBoyfriend, George Springer also has this going for him...

There's no arguing that clearly qualifies to win the title.

Congratulations, George Springer! I see being named my MLBoyfriend has jumping for joy.

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