Monday, May 15, 2017

Week 6: Buster Posey

Buster Posey is no stranger to this blog. He was my Week 8 MLBoyfriend last year and made several appearances in special posts in 2016. So, Posey always on my radar--and last week he pinged loudly.

Buster has been surging at the plate. Last week, he had an impressive .429 batting average and 1.568 OPS with 5 RBIs, 8 runs, only one strikeout, and 4 home runs. 

The most newsworthy of those home runs was this walk-off dinger against Cincinnati in the 17th inningThat's right, the Giants and the Reds almost played two complete baseball games Friday night/early Saturday morning.

Keep in mind, Posey is still a catcher--a position not know for its power hitters. This makes his recent performance all the more impressive.

Gratuitous pic of Buster Posey looking adorable in his catcher's gear.
Congratulations, Buster Posey! You had a heck of a week and fully deserve your repeat win as my MLBoyfriend.

The San Francisco Giants celebrate Buster Posey's walk-off win...
...of the MLBoyfriend title.

PS: I covet the shoes Buster wore on Mother's Day.

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