Monday, May 22, 2017

Week 7: J.D. Martinez

UPDATE 3/26/19: I wrote this before J.D. Martinez posted something very problematic on social media that is in direct opposition to my values. He has a right to express political opinions, but words have consequences. In this case the consequence is that I no longer think he's hot--in fact, he's the opposite of hot. NRA propaganda is deal breaker for me.

I am in transit today. In fact, I am posting this from O'Hare Airport, so I'm going to keep this post short, sweet, and link-free. Here's why Detroit Tiger J.D. Martinez is my MLBoyfriend of the week:

--He had a .438 batting average for the week with a 1.854 OPS.

--He hit four home runs.

--He had seven runs and nine RBIs.

--He's ever so dreamy.

There are plenty of good-looking guys in MLB, but J.D. Martinez is, like, not just baseball-player handsome--he's movie-star handsome.

Congratulations, J.D. Martinez on being my newest MLBoyfriend! While I usually try to use recent photos, I'll close with a picture from a couple of years ago that I just couldn't resist.

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