Monday, May 30, 2016

Week 8: Buster Posey

When I started this blog, there were some players I knew would show up on it as soon as they gave me any reason to name them my MLBoyfriend, and this week's pick is one of those players. On Sunday, May 29, Buster Posey gave me an excellent reason to give him the honor: he hit two three-run home runs giving the Giants a victory over the Rockies.

If it hadn't been this week, Posey would have been my MLBoyfriend before the summer was done because he is one of my favorite players. First, his name just seems like old-timey baseball to me. You can imagine coming over the wireless: "Buster Posey knocks one out of the park!" Second, he's a catcher which means he wears the best equipment in professional sports.


Finally, he is as the kids say, totes adorbs.

Congratulations, Buster Posey, you're my MLBoyfriend of the week. It an honor a long time in the making and very well deserved.

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