Monday, June 27, 2016

Week 12: Josh Donaldson

This week's pick for my MLBoyfriend has less to do with his performance last week--which was certainly excellent with a .500 batting average and 1.146 OPS--and more to do with how he's done so far this season. Josh Donaldson has been the first runner-up for the title almost every week; however, since all of the winners have been able to complete their duties, he has never assumed the title. He came very close to winning last week, but I had to acknowledge Ichiro's milestone. I also liked that Donaldson "talked his way into the lineup" last Wednesday when he was battling some soreness and his manager wanted him to rest. That shows a lot of heart.

In addition to having putting up some impressive numbers this season, Josh Donaldson has several other qualifications for being my MLBoyfriend. First, maybe I'm seeing things, but he seems to have a wide stance (wink, wink).

He's also prone to sticking out his tongue which, as you may remember from Week 1, is a good way to catch my attention.

Finally, it's impossible to talk about Josh Donaldson without discussing his famous hair style--a very long undercut.

Haters gonna hate, but I appreciate a guy who has fun with his style--and Donaldson definitely does just that. Some may say he's just a hipster, but he's kicking it old school with a the perfect look for a guest appearance on the History Channel's show "Vikings".

So, Josh, you do you...

...because that's how you finally became my MLBoyfriend of the week. Congratulations, you earned it.

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