Monday, June 20, 2016

Week 11: Ichiro Suzuki

On Wednesday, June 16th, Ichiro Suzuki got his 4,257th career hit spanning the Japanese and North American major leagues, surpassing Pete Rose's total in Major League Baseball. There's some debate about whether or not Ichiro really broke the "Hit King's" record. However, there's no debate about the fact that Ichiro has earned the title that Pete Rose will never, ever, ever get: my MLBoyfriend of the week.

Ichiro is certainly a future Hall of Famer. (It's neither here nor there, but for the record, I believe Pete Rose should be in the Hall of Fame.) If I had had this blog 15 years ago, Ichiro certainly would have won the been my MLBoyfriend at least once during his outstanding "rookie" year with the Seattle Mariners when he was totes adorbs.

Of course, he was definitely boyfriend material when he wore the best sports uniform ever.

For my money though, at 42, Ichiro is looking better than ever--repping for us mature guys.

Finally, when I was "researching" (i.e., Googling) Ichiro, I found many examples of one of the greatest things in the world: leaping catches in the outfield. Here's my favorite.

Congratulations, Ichiro Suzuki! The honor of being my MLBoyfriend has been a long time coming.

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