Monday, May 9, 2016

Week 5: Robinson Canó

Last week, an old flame was on fire. Robinson Canó had an amazing .561 batting average and 1.516 OPS earning him the titles of American League Player of the Week and my MLBoyfriend. 

This week was no fluke either. Canó has had an excellent start to the season including leading the American League in RBIs (as of May 7th). There is already some (admittedly wildly early) speculation on him being this year's AL MVP.

It's always fun to see a long-time favorite player having a killer run. Although, I must admit that I miss seeing Canó in Yankees' pinstripes. I also loved that he wore #24 in honor of #42, the number of the man he was named after, the great Jackie Robinson.

Speaking of the Yankees, it's nice to know Derek Jeter (sigh) liked seeing his former teammate as much as I do.

For these reasons and many more, Robinson Canó truly deserves being my MLBoyfriend of the week.

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