Monday, May 6, 2024

Willi Castro

The Minnesota Twins' twelve-game winning streak has been my favorite story in baseball over the last two weeks. It may have come to an end yesterday, but it still deserves some recognition today. 

Willi Castro had a great week at the plate last week and was a major contributor to the Twins' success. He had an incredible .480 average and 1.260 OPS. He scored 5 runs and had 3 RBI.

Castro also had 3 stolen bases during the week. While the value of stolen bases is still up for debate--they definitely make the game more exciting and create great photo ops.

Congratulations, Willi Castro! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week.

12/25, 5 R, 3 2B, 2 2B, 0 HR, 3 RBI, 3 SB, .480 AVG, .500 OPB, .760 SLG

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