Monday, September 18, 2023

Bobby Witt Jr.

Bobby Witt Jr. had a very good week at the plate last week. He had a whopping .450 average with 9 hits in 20 at bats--and an even more impressive .500 OPB. He had 1 home run, 4 RBI and 6 runs.

Witt also had 6 stolen bases last week--the most of any player in Major League Baseball. Since 2023 has been the season of stolen bases (due in large part to MLB rule changes), it seemed like I should get around to recognizing that stat in my pick.

I also don't recognize defense enough in selecting my MLBoyfriend mostly because the stats on it are hard to find on a week-to-week basis. However, Witt is excellent on defense and there's a strong case for him winning the Golden Glove this year.

Finally, flowing locks on a base runner is a good way to get my attention. Witt has a good flow going.

Congratulations, Bobby Witt Jr! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week.

PS: I'd like to give a shout out to this week's runner up for the MLBoyfriend prize, two-time past winnerTrea Turner. He also had a great week at the plate with 11 hits in 31 at bats for a .355 average with 2 doubles and 2 home runs. He scored 6 runs and batted in 5. 

If I'm being honest, it wasn't his numbers that made me pay attention to Trea this past week, it was the Instagram algorithm. Posts about him kept showing up in my feed--even though I don't follow him or the Phillies. To be fair, they are pretty impressive stats.

Speaking of stolen bases...

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