Monday, September 19, 2022

Joe Ryan Feat. Ryan Helsley

I was sure I had found my MLBoyfriend of the week on Tuesday, September 13. I went to Target Field that night and saw Twins rookie, Joe Ryan, give a masterful performance on the mound.

Ryan had a no-hitter going through 7 complete innings with 9 strikeouts and only 2 walks. I was one of the crowd booing the decision to send in a relief pitcher at the start of the 8th inning--even though, in retrospect, the call makes sense.

Ryan ended the day with a 0.00 ERA (obviously), a 0.29 WHIP, a win, a quality start, and an adorably awkward interview.

Here's the pic I took with my phone of Ryan fumbling with his answer to that last "good question".

So, case closed, right? Joe Ryan will be my MLBoyfriend. Not so fast. On Saturday, I get a message from friend of the blog, friend IRL, and lifelong Cardinals fan Seán with a nomination for the week. Former MLBoyfriend Ryan Helsley pitched an immaculate inning on Friday, September 16.

That's right. Helsley went into the game in the 9th inning and threw just 9 pitches--everyone of them a strike. It is a very rare feat in baseball. Helsley is only the third pitcher in the history of the Cardinals organization to achieve it.

Helsley finished the week strong with 3.0 innings pitched giving up just 2 hits and 0 walks with 6 strikeout, a 0.00 ERA, 0.67 WHIP and 2 save/holds. He was definitely giving Joe Ryan a run for his money.

Then, on Sunday, September 18, Ryan pitched another humdinger

He went 7.2 innings, giving up 3 hits, 2 walks, and no earned runs, with 5 strikeouts--giving him a second win and quality start for the week.

For the week, Ryan's stats are very impressive. Pitching 14.2 innings, he had a 0.00 ERA and 0.48 WHIP with 2 wins and 2 quality starts. Plus, it's always nice to have a fresh face on the blog. So....

Congratulations, Joe Ryan! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week.

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