Monday, August 15, 2022

Chandler Redmond

Update: Last week, Chandler Redmond posted an anti-LGBTQ+ video on social media. Specifically, it joined in the right-wing attack on LGBTQ+ youth. As I said in the "My Ethical MLBoyfriend" post, there are some things that are automatically disqualifying for me. Redmond hereby has his status as a one-time MLBoyfriend revoked.

Welcome to the first ever installment of my MiLBoyfriend. This week, a Double A player clearly deserves the honor. Chandler Redmond of the Springfield, Missouri, Cardinals hit a home run cycle on Wednesday, August 10th.

For those who don't know--and I didn't before this happened--a home run cycle is when a player hits a solo home run, a 2-RBI home run, a 3-RBI home run, and a grand slam in a single game. It is one of the rarest achievements in baseball. Tyrone Horne, also playing AA ball at the time, hit the first home run cycle in MLB history in 1998. Redmond hit the second ever last week. Horne and Redmond are the only members of a very exclusive club that no player in the majors has ever gotten into. Let's go to the videotape.

Need a little more context for how impressive Redmond's accomplishment is? Not only is the home run cycle incredibly rare, it brings some impressive statistics with it. Only 18 players in the majors have hit the four home runs in one game required as the basis for the cycle. Hitting the cycle means Redmond had 4 home runs and 10 RBIs in one game (he actually had another hit in the game which gave him 11 RBIs). The most home runs any MLB players had over the course of seven days last week? 4. The most RBIs? 10.

Congratulations, Chandler Redmond! You are my MiLBoyfriend of the week. 

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