Monday, April 25, 2022

Miguel Cabrera

In some ways, Miguel Cabrera had a pretty average week last week. His batting average was a good but not great .389 with an equally respectable but not incredible OPS of .839. He scored 3 runs and had 2 RBIs--sort of upper-middle of the pack with those numbers.

On the other hand, Miguel Cabrera had an amazing week last week because, on Saturday, he had his 3,000th hit. This make him the 33rd member of the 3,000 Hit Club--only 32 other players in the entire history of Major League baseball have reached this milestone.

Let me be among the many to offer you congratulations on your 3,000th hit, Miguel Cabrera.

And, let me be the first to offer you congratulations on becoming this week's MLBoyfriend!

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