Monday, August 9, 2021

Week 19: Starling Marte

I'm sure the Oakland A's were very happy to see Starling Marte arrive last week. He had a great for his new team on August 1st.

Then, on August 6th, Marte hit a three-run, walk-off home run.

Finally, yesterday, Marte had a four-hit game.

Marte ended the week with 6 runs, 2 home runs, 5 RBIs, 5 stolen bases(!) a 1.326 OPS and an amazing .478 batting average. I'm pretty sure all that adds up to him being Oakland's MLBoyfriend of the week as well as mine.

Congratulations, Starling Marte! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week. FWIW: You look great in the new uniform.

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