Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Week 25: Trevor Williams

To be honest, I had never heard of this week's MLBoyfriend before Saturday. My fantasy baseball team was in a tight race in the first round of post-season play. I needed to pull off a win to go to the leagues championship round. My only hope of pulling off a win was to have a lot of great pitching on Sunday, September 17. I only had one pitcher scheduled to start--so I picked up two more. All three of them had great outings and took my team to the finals. I could have chosen Luis Castillo or Mike Minor, but Trevor Williams had an even better game than they did--so he wins the prize.

In six complete innings, Williams struck out seven batters and gave up just two hits, two walks and no earned runs. He ended the game with a 0.67 WHIP, a 0.00 ERA, a quality start and a win.

It's a little embarrassing that I'd never heard of Williams before. He's been excellent in the second half of the season.

He's also not hard to look at.

Congratulations, Trevor Williams! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week. You may be a late addition to my fantasy baseball team, but you better believe I'm keeping you on to help me win the championship.

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