Monday, August 7, 2017

Week 18: Cole Hamels

Cole Hamels put up some very strong numbers in his two outings last week--both of which were Quality Starts. In fifteen full innings pitched, he had a 1.80 ERA and a 0.80 WHIP. To be honest, Hamels first game of the week on Monday, July 31, was not so great. He did strike out seven batters, but gave up three earned runs in a loss against the Seattle Mariners (although he was not charged with the loss).

Hamels threw his first complete game with the Texas Rangers on Saturday, August 5, and it was a humdinger. Unfortunately, he notched up the win against my hometown team, the Minnesota Twins. Still, it's impossible not to be impressed by what Hamels did that day in giving up just four hits, one base on ball and zero earned runs.

In other Cole Hamels news; he is back to being clean shaven after playing much of the season with a beard.

We can debate which is more handsome hirsute Cole or smooth Cole; however, I think we can all agree that both are preferable to mustachioed Cole.

Congratulations, Cole Hamels, you are my MLBoyfriend of the week.

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