Tuesday, October 18, 2016

NLDS: Conor Gillapsie

My newest MLBoyfriend's season has ended, but as I looked back over the National League's playoffs so far, it was clear that Conor Gillapsie was the one who found a spot in my heart.

Like many baseball fans, Gillapsie caught my attention in the NL Wild Card Game. While past MLBoyfriend winner Madison Baumgarner pitched a humdinger of a game that night--giving up just four hits and no runs in nine full innings--it was Gillapsie's three-run home run in the top of the ninth that scored the winning runs for the Giants.

Current and former MLBoyfriends Gillapsie and Bumgarner bond
after their Wild Card Game win. Also, gratuitous gun show.
It was, as they say, a Cinderella story. Gillapsie was not a star player for the Giants. In fact, he was only in the line up because heavy-hitter Eduardo Núñez (another MLBoyfriend) was injured. In October, anything can happen, and a bench player ended the Mets season in one at bat.

Gillapsie's homer that gave the Giants the Wild Card slot.

The Giants fell to the the dominant Chicago Cubs in the the division series. Still, Gillapsie continued to perform well in the first postseason of his career including hitting a two-run triple off the Cubs' star closer in the Giants' only win in the series.

My only reservation about choosing Conor Gillapsie as my MLBoyfriend was the lack of good pictures of his face. He is a very handsome man, but he always looks nervous at best and downright scared at worst in photos.

Seriously, it's like hes in a horror movie not a ballpark.
On the other hand, he is one of the most GIFable MLBoyfriends. Take this action shot of the amazing catch he made on the last day of the regular season.

I guess he's just better in motion, and that's just fine with me.

Congratulations, Conor Gillapsie! Against tough odds, you are my MLBoyfriend from the first part of the National League's postseaon play.

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