Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 3: Bryce Harper

This week's pick was one of the reasons I started this blog. Bryce Harper has been one of my favorite players since his rookie year.

Then, last year, he really caught my attention with his appearance in ESPN Magazine's Body Issue.

After seeing the behind-the-scenes video of his photo shoot, the concept of MLBoyfriend was born.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 2: Eduardo Núñez

Before I discuss my MLBoyfriend from last week, it's important to note that my choices are not necessarily the players who have the best week on the field--or even necessarily a very good week. This is a purely subjective "award" based on my reflection on the past week in baseball. That said...

My MLBoyfriend for the second week of play is Eduardo Núñez of the Minnesota Twins. Núñez had a very good--but not great week--with a .462 average and on OPS of 1.226. He scored three runs and had one stolen base. Again, a solid week, but not stellar. The reason I chose him is because, to put it mildly, the Twins had a rocky start to the season. Okay, let's face facts, it was so terrible it set the kind of records a team doesn't want to set. Since the Twinkies have a special place in my heart, and they are receiving lots of bad press recently, I wanted to give them a little positive reinforcement by bestowing one of the biggest honors in baseball, being my MLBoyfriend, on one of them.

Fortunately, he survived this scary collision, to finish the game and score a critical run and provide a key hit in the Twins' first win of the season.

Of course Eduardo is also pretty easy on the eyes.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 1: Trevor Story

My first MLBoyfriend of the season had to be the Rockies rookie who tore it up, Trevor Story. He may have had the best first week of major league play ever.  I didn't draft him for my fantasy team, but I was smart enough to pick him up after his amazing, record-setting two-home-run debut in the majors on Opening Day. Added bonus: Trevor is pretty cute.

Of course, he's even better looking when he hits a homer which is often.

He also works it in the infield--check out his stuck-out tongue which shows he's really concentrating.