Monday, October 3, 2016

Week 26: Dee Gordon

Dee Gordon secured the title of my MLBoyfriend Monday night when he hit a lead-off home run in the bottom of the first inning.

Gordon's teammate, pitcher José Fernández, had died just the day before in a boating accident

Dee Gordon with José Fernández
The Florida Marlins held a tribut to Fernández prior to the game, and then Gordon honored him in the best way possible. Gordon said of the home run:
“I ain’t never hit a ball that far, even in BP. I told the boys, ‘If you all don’t believe in God, you better start.’ For that to happen today, we had some help.”
Gordon salutes Fernández

Gordon also said:
"I don't have kids, so that's the best moment of my life to hit a home run for him."
Gordon with his teammates after his home run
Gordon had three more hits in that night for a career high of four in one game. He went onto have an MLBoyfriend worthy week with a .409 batting average, .955 OPS, and four stolen bases. He also definitely looks that part of an MLBoyfriend.

Dee Gordon
All that was nice, but Dee had a lock on the title after his first at-bat of the week and the enormous heart he showed after. I'd also like to add my voice to those honoring José Fernández. He was a talented pitcher with a great career ahead of him. His death is a true loss for baseball, and I hope he wins the Cy Young Award he deserves.

José Fernández

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