Monday, July 1, 2024

Byron Buxton

After last week's post, I began to wonder if there are other players I've been sleeping on. Byron Buxton, that's your cue.

I chose Buxton as this week's MLBoyfriend, and then went to the blog to see when he was last featured. I was shocked to discover he's only won the title once and that was 7 years ago. That's a long drought for one of my favorite players on my favorite team.

Buxton put up stats last week that couldn't be overlooked. He went 8 for 19 at the plate for a .421 average. His OPS was a whopping 1.455 with 2 doubles and 3 home runs. He scored  7 runs and batted in 9. He had an especially good game on Saturday, June 29, when he went 2-for-4, homered and had 4 RBI.

Congratulations, Byron Buxton! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week.

PS: This week, another Twin won an honorable mention. Pablo López happened to be the starting pitcher in the only Twins game I was really able to pay attention to this week. On Saturday, June 29, López went 6 full innings, giving up just one earned run and 1 walk. He earned a win. It's always nice to have a reason to feature this cutie on the blog.