Monday, August 14, 2023

Michael Lorenzen

Michael Lorenzen threw a no-hitter on Wednesday, August 9th. However, a no-no does not guarantee an MLBoyfried title. Lorenzen only struck out 5 batters during the game, and the rest of the outs were made by the excellent fielding of his Phillies teammates.

There are two facts about Lorenzen's performance that secured the MLBoyfriend title for him. First, instead of standard cleats, he was wearing Vans. They did have cleats added to them, but other than that they were just regular, white Vans.

This is the only time a star athlete and I have had the same taste in shoes. I own 3 pairs of Vans including this super cute pair I was wearing earlier today.

Lorenzen's Vans--despite being less being less snazzy than mine--are headed to the Baseball Hall of Fame.

The second fact about Lorenzen's no-hitter that caught my attention is kind of mind blowing. Lorenzen graduated from Fullerton High School in California. That school has had three other graduates go on to become major league pitchers: Walter Johnson, Steve Busby, and Mike Warren. All three of those pitchers threw a no-hitter during their careers. (Busby actually threw 2 no-no's for the Kansas City Royals.) Lorenzen's no-no means Fullerton High is now 4-for-4. Very impressive.

Finally, the Instagram algorithm clearly wanted me to pick Lorenzen this week. Here are just a few of the posts it suggested for me. (By the way, sorry/not sorry about the repeat images of Lorenzen's backside. Is it possible to embed an Instagram post with something other than the first slide showing up?)

Congratulations, Michael Lorenzen! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week. Also, thank you for giving me a reason to post one of my favorite things in the world--pictures of a pitcher and catcher celebrating after a no-hitter.

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