Monday, July 31, 2017

Week 17: Eric Hosmer

Eric Hosmer definitely had a MLBoyfriend worth week. He had a .393 batting average with a .914 OPS, one home run, eight runs, eight RBIs and two stolen bases.

Oh, by the way, Hosmer's one home run last week was a grand slam in Kansas City's 16-2 rout of Detroit on Wednesday, July 26. That night, Hosmer became the first player in the Royal's history to get five hits, five RBIs and five runs in a single game.

Truth be told, I've just been waiting for Hosmer to have a great week for a while. I wanted to name him my MLBoyfriend, so that I would have an excuse to post an email exchange I had with my mother in May. She sent me a message titled, "Eric Hosmer" that simply read: "IS Eric gay? MOm". I replied: "I don't think so. Why do you ask?" Then, Mom slayed with her answer: "I have him in my dreams. MOm".

While I do not have Eric Hosmer in my dreams, I can certainly understand how one would.

Congratulations, Eric Hosmer! You are my MLBoyfriend of the week, and you have also won a much more impressive title, Mom's MLBoyfriend of the whole season!

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