Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 21: Gary Sanchez

I'm a lifelong Yankees fan, so it's surprising that it's taken me this long to chose a Yankee as my MLBoyfriend. Well, the right guy finally came along. Gary Sanchez was called up by the Yankees on August 2, and now, he's leading their quest for a wild card slot.

Last week, Sanchez was on fire at the plate batting over 500--to be exact, in 23 appearences, his average was .522. He had a 1.911 OPS, the highest in the MLB for the week. This all brought a lot of scoring for the Yankees--five home runs, seven runs scored, and nine runs batted in.

That kind of power is rare enough, but a catcher who can hit like that is a real treasure in baseball. The Yankees saw the potential in Sanchez to be that extra special catcher when he was just fifteen.

Sanchez not only gets to wear the Yankees Pinstripes--the best sports uniform ever--he also gets all the cool catcher's gear. IMHO, that is a killer combination.

Speaking of killer, Sanchez's smile definitely caught my eye too.

Despite an amazing first month in the majors, Gary Sanchez probably won't win the title of American League Rookie of the Year, but the fact that he's even in the mix is amazing given his late start. While Rookie of the Year is a nice prize, Sanchez already won a much better one: my first Yankee MLBoyfriend. Congratulations, Gary! I look forward to watching you round the bases in the Bronx (and elsewhere) many more times in the months and years to come.

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